Something I learnt - AMA Permit
Yesterday, I arranged for my builder Boadi to come over to inspect the area where a shed will need to be erected to store items in the boys quarters. Ideally, it would have been much convenient to have these items moved into a dedicated storage unit, but these sort of storage units are not available in Accra, at least not to my knowledge. I cannot think of anyone who has spare space to accommodate these items. So Boadi came up with a brilliant idea. Why don't we construct a secure shed and store these items in it. This seems to be a good plan.
He has estimated costed the shed will be GHC4,000.00.
Here is the breakdown:
Wawa boards [45 pcs]: GHC850.00
Wawa 2*4 [50 pcs]: GHC 1400.00
Cement [6 bags]: GHC180.00
Roofing sheets [25 pcs]: GHC925.00
Roofing nails [2 boxes]: GHC60.00
Nails 3*4 : GHC60.00
Workmanship: GHC350.00
Total: GHC3825.00
I then gave him an update on where I am on SHC approving the architect drawings. After updating Boadi, this is what I learnt. Boadi advised that once the drawings have been approved, I should then submit my application for a Building Permit and then he will proceed immediately remove any fixtures that can be salvaged from the buildings and knock everything down. He said it will be a pure waste of time to wait for AMA to provide the permit as they are in the habit of dragging their feet. To my surprise he told me that in many cases, most people complete their buildings before a building permit is finally issued - amazing. In the event where the AMA inspector comes around asking for a building permit, all you need to do is provide the inspector with the name of the person at the AMA office whose is working on your building permit. The inspector will then verify this via a phone call. Well it seems this is a valid practice here. I came across the below which is worth reading. Based on content ref application forms to be filled out, I will locate the AMA offices in Labadi on Tuesday next week for these forms.
Procedure And Requirement For Obtaining Building Permit In Ghana
This entry was posted on November 2, 2014 by mike.
Any person or organization which intends to commence with the construction of a building whether for residential or for other purposes in the Accra Metropolitan Assembly area of jurisdiction must obtain a building permit. This is to ensure, among other things, which the proposed project conform to the building regulations and development control
The processes involved are, however, unclear and cumbersome leading to unnecessary delays in obtaining a permit.
This brochure provides specific information on the requirement and procedures which are specific to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) to enable the developer obtain a building permit in a timely and efficient manner.
It is intended to serve as a practical guide, with clear and simple procedures to the customer / client and officials
of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly to enhance transparency and trust in the building permitting system.Stage 1
Basic Requirement for All Building Developments
Every applicant / developer is required to have the following
Building Permit Application Form
Town & Country Planning Development Application Form 1
Two (2) sets of site plans (one on transparency)
Four (4) sets of building fence and block plans (scale not less than 1: 20 or 1:40 or metric equivalent 1:100 and 1:2000)
4 set of working drawings Certificate / official letter or search on status of land(Lands Commission or Land Title Registration)Types of Developments.
These include Schools, Hotels / Restaurants, Places of Worship, Buildings, Factories, Hospitals, Residential
Buildings, Factories, Hospitals, Residential Buildings, Offices, Shops, Underground Structures, Maximum height of
Pylons, Car Parks, Amusements Parks and others.
Do I Need To Submit Any Additional Reports
Buildings – 3 storey and above (including basement) must have Structural Analysis Report and Geo technical Report and this applies also to single storey warehouses, industrial buildings, building with wide spans.
If your development is a multi-storey structure or complex you may have to provide additional reports such as, Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Structural Analysis Report, Fire Service Report, Hydro Report, Geotechnical Report, Traffic Management Report etc.
You are to contact the Metro Works Department, AMA or the Town and Country Planning Department or consultants for advice and assistance.Stage 2
Completion of Forms
Complete in full the Building Permit Application Form and the Town & Country Planning Development Planning
Application Form 1Stage 3
Submission of Forms
Submit completed Development application & the Building Permit Application forms with all necessary attachments to the Desk Officer at the Town and Country Planning Department (TCPD) any day except Friday.
On submission you shall be informed of corrections to be made or additions if any. Date for site inspection, the processing fee (obtain an official receipt)
Pay the processing fee (obtain an official receipt)Stage 4
Thereafter the Joint Technical Sub-Committee undertakes site inspection with the application(s) / prospective developer (s) on the agreed date.
Relevant AMA departments and Agencies undertake preliminary assessment of applications and submit report to the Joint Technical Sub – Committee within ten (10) working daysStage 5
Final Approval
The Accra Metro Planning Committee meets for final approval of application within nine (9) working days after the Joint Technical Sub-Committee evaluation meeting.
Applicants notified of decision by the Accra Metro Planning Committee within ten (10) working days of the meetingStage 6
Notification of Payment
Application notified when to pay building permit fees:
List of names will be posted on the notice boards of the following offices
Head Office AMA
TCPD (near old Passport Office)
Metro Works Department AMA (Near Novotel)
Sub – Metro Offices AMA
Or if requested by registered mail to the applicant within fourteen (14) days of site inspectionStage 7
Payment of Building Permit Fees
Applicant / developer pays building permit fees at the Metro Works Department of the AMA only. The payment receipt is not a building permit certificate.
Note: refusal to make payment within twenty eight (28) working days indicates loss of interest. The process is re-activated when the applicant settles the appropriate bill. Applicants will bear the cost for re – inspection.Stage 8
Issue of Building Permit & Collection
Applicant collects building permit certificate from the Metro Works Department duly signed by the Metropolitan Engineer within ten (10) working days of receipt of approval list from the Secretary of the Accra Planning Committee provided the applicant has paid the full building permit fee and no anomaly is discovered.Caution
Act 462 provides that any unauthorised structure or structures attached to premises shall be demolished or removed on notice by AMA.
Any such development shall be considered unauthorised and liable to demolition / removal by AMA.
Any applicant who makes a false declaration does so at his/her own risk.
It is important to note that the validity of a Building Permit issued in accordance with the above process is five years.
Developers are therefore required to seek renewal of Building Permit if development is not complete within five (5) years.
Source: Ghana Building Plans website
It is obvious that if you do not comply with Ghana building regulations and obtain a valid building permit, you will undoubtedly receive a visit from an AMA official. When you do and you are not able to provide a satisfactory answer, they will certainly ask you to stop all building work and leave a nasty red paint notice for your attention
Boadi has informed me that he has a reliable contact at AMA office in Labadi. Having this contact assisting will be a bonus for me.