Awuku Dela

Kokrokoo is a site designed for everyone looking for a bit of something.  It is geared towards to geek, traveller, events in Ghana, Photography and advice in general; to mention a few.

Update - Approval Of Architect Drawings By State Housing Company

Further to my phone call received from a lady in State Housing Company Ltd [aka SHC] last week, I popped into SHC around 11.00am this morning. I think I made a blog posting somewhere that my architect drawing had been approved by SHC. Unfortunately it appears either the person who made the call to me gave me the wrong impression. 

The customer services lady informed me the that the purpose of the phone call was to get me to pay the fees required before the drawing were studied and approved. I would like to mention that I had to pay a hefty amount of money. In total I had to write out a cheque for GHC14,844.95.

The breakdown of the amount is as follows:
1. Extension Fee...................                     11,748.95
2. Consent To Vest Fee......                       600.00
3. Amendment Fee..............                       480.00
4. Ground Rent [2001 - 2007 - 2015]    2,016.00

So you can see where the chunk of the fees is coming from. 
Consent To Vest Fee - This is the amount paid to have my late mothers name taken off the Lease Document and replaced with mine.
With the fees paid, I was informed that it will take not more than 3 weeks for the drawings to be approved. I did ask the customer services lady to assist in having my application "fast tracked"