LaDMA Finally Catches Up With Me
Somehow I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I had gone to the State Housing Company to sort out my permits from them when I got a call from the site foreman. He said there were a number of LaDMA officials at my property. Fortunately for me I was done at the SHC and was jus about to make my way home. When I got tho Nyaniba Estates, the guys from LaDMA were waiting for me. I immediately noticed that they had written a "Stop Working" notice on the wall inside the property. I explained to them that I having issues in getting building consent from SHC. The process was taking longer than I anticipated. Without the building consent from SHC, I could not apply for a building permit. I further mentioned that since things took so long to process in Ghana, I was obviously delayed in any progress with the building permit. Anyway the chap was kind enough to give me an extra 7 days to have my application submitted to LaDMA