Demolition Of Main Building - Day Three
Yes, day three. I suppose the pace of demolition is progressing as planned. Today, there were fewer people onsite. The electrician and his crew were not onsite. I was actually expecting him to be onsite. Yesterday he removed my electric meter and repositioned it to the shed constructed at the back of the house. However when he attempted reconnecting me back on over supply, his hand got burnt from sparks from the meter. You are right, if you have been reading my blog labeled "ECG - Where Art Thou", this is the same meter that caught and I have been trying since Saturday the 10th for the ECG Faults Team to come out and investigate it. Anyway, he managed to work his magic and I now have electricity in the boys quarters.
I am a bit concerned about the rubble from the demolition which is gradually pilling up. The place looks like a typical bomb site. I was expecting the rubble to be collected as it accumulates. Well, Boadi [building contractor] will be here today and I will have to sit down with him to get the finer details of his demolishing plan.