Awuku Dela

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Filtering by Tag: Marlow

At Work - Weekending 17th May

This week I was based at Danesfield House Hotel, based in Marlow, supporting the LACAR conference. The Hotel grounds are absolutely great. I didn't actually spend any nights in the hotel, but with these old country houses, you notice that they tend to need a complete overhauling due to their age. Standing outside the hotel at the back you have a superb view of the grounds and also part of the Thames River.

I was originally booked to set-up the IT kit and return back to Globe House on Tuesday. However thinking to myself, told the PA that since this was her first conference it would be a bad idea for me to leave her all alone for the rest of the week. Out of the 17 delegates at the conference, at least 12 were popping into the office I was using every day asking for assistance on IT related issues.

Danesfield House Hotel is a perfect place to: 1....chill out for the weekend with your partner, wife/husband or friend 2....have a wedding reception 3....have breakfast, lunch or dinner