Nightmare On Blogodo Road - 23/08/2011
Who said God doesn't answer prayers?
So since my last update, a few things have been happening here and there regarding the saga I have with Ms Florence Massoud. There have been a few more visits to the Rent Control Offices, and also the guy handling the case at the Rent Control Offfice has taken a trip to my property to have a look around. Why, only God knows, however my agent did inform me that Ms Florence was seeking repayment of money she has invested in the renovation of the main building, but I doubt that was his reason for taking the trip there - Lord help us.
And another development has arisen - a good and positive one I should say. , My current tenants have decided to vacate the main building. According to my tenant, he has been offered a contract in another part of Ghana, hence renting the property will no longer be required - fair enough. I do have my suspicions though and I am certain that Ms Florence Massoud has been pestering them. Well they have gone now, which I personally think is a blessing in disguise because Ms Florence Massoud can now take her stuff out of the main building and I can replace them together with any other work that needs to be done.
So, why my first statement "Who said God doesn't answer prayers"; I got a text message from my agent 2 days ago informing that Ms Florence Massoud was packing her stuff from the out house she is currently occupying. You can imagine my joy sandwiched between the surprises . I seriously thought I would have to purposely go back to Ghana to personally throw this woman out of my house.
My agent says she will still have to make that final trip to the Rent Control Offices as requested by the Officer the for his verdict. One thing though, I am not lowering my guard regarding Ms Florence Massoud all because I do not trust her. People of her nature always seem to have something up their sleeves.
My lessons learnt so far?
1. Get someone to make regular visits to your property on your behalf on a regular basis. Stick the money into a high earning account. At the end of the day, if you don't have to use the money, at least you can earn some interest out of it.
2. Demand a deposit from any potential tenant. The will used to offset any cost you the Landlord might incur if the tenant damages your property.
3. Never lease your property out for more than two years in a row. For example, if you someone wants to lease your property for 6 years and you are comfortable with that, then just renew the lease every 2 years with the option to cancel the lease after a period of the agreed by both of you.
4. Do not lease to individuals, unless they are filthy rich. Lease out to companies and even then, they must be bloody rich. Do an intensive investigation on the company or person. All this is in aid of giving yourself some piece of mind.