To iPhone Or Not to iPhone
I am an obsessive Apple fan. No not that type of obsessiveness. I am not an Apple fan without first questioning and then making that all important decision. If the Apple product makes reasonable sense to have then I will purchase it. Failing that I will not waste the effort, time and money to engage in that product, unless of course if I acquire it as a present. I am currently using a Macbook pro 15" with retina display purchased last year when they came out. I also have the latest iPad Air 2. My daily driver roughly 3 years ago was an iPhone 4S. Sadly I had to switch to a Sony phone which run Android. Why you are probably asking? Well during the period I was using my iPhone, I was getting increasingly frustrated with the limitations I had with the iPhone. I was constantly Jail breaking my iPhone so that I could enjoy the features that were not available on the Apple IOS. It then got to the point that even jail breaking was becoming frustrating, so I looked into the possibility of moving to Android. Based on what I saw, I made my move to an Android phone. I have used a Sony, a Nexus 5 and currently using a Nexus 6 as my daily driver.
Apples release of the iPhone 6S plus [I stress on the 6S plus because I want one] has got me focused on getting one at the end of November. Everything about it includes what I felt I was missing when I was using the iPhone 4S. At this point, I feel it makes reasonable sense to get an iPhone 6S Plus. My macbook and iPad both run all the essential applications that I use on a regular bases. Only a fraction of these applications are available on Android, irritating as it is, I have managed to live with it till now. The new features built into the iPhone 6S now give me all the reason the upgrade my current daily driver to an iPhone 6S.
Tomorrow, Google is hosting an event in which the speculation is that they will be announcing the upgrade to the Nexus 6. It will be interesting to read the reviews that will be published when a comparison is done on the iPhone 6S plus and the latest release of the Nexus phone. I will watch the show, but my mind is fairly made up now and I have set the iPhone 6S in my sights.
As with reviews on any item of tech that comes out, I immediately head off to MBKHD on YouTube for a sterling review on the item. Check out his immediate review on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. Please note that this is an immediate review, which means he will be revealing a detailed review in the hot too distant future.
Click >>here<< for Youtube video
I will finish off the blog with an article I came across through a couple of "hops" in the web
"Apple widens gap between IOS, Android in U.S."